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Utility vegetation management is necessary because the wrong plant is growing in the wrong place. Trees that can grow to 80 feet are not compatible with power lines 25 feet above the ground. A smaller growing tree, however, could be grown under a distribution line for its entire life and never have to be pruned.

Preventing the problem
Property owners, landscapers, developers and the rest of us can help by making sure that whenever a tree is planted, it is the right tree in the right place. Most utilities offer information to help homeowners know what species or types of plants are appropriate for their home and compatible with the power lines that might be there.
Energy savings and trees
Proper planning can prevent future tree-line conflicts. Proper planning can also benefit homeowners by reducing their energy needs by as much as 20% in the summer time. For more information, visit the National Arbor Day Foundation.
Learn more
•  SelecTree