It’s been a terrific summer of travel to meet with industry peers at UAA safety summits and regional meetings. Here’s a look back in this photo retrospective…
UAA Minnesota Safety Summit: June 20-21, 2023, Downtown Holiday Inn, Duluth
Safety best practices were among the discussions at the summit, from chainsaw maintenance to working with wood chippers. The demonstrations in the East Central Energy Live Line Trailer are always engaging and a compelling reminder of the power of electricity. Thank you to our sponsors: East Central Energy, Wright Tree, Minnesota Power, Nutrien Solutions, Vermeer, RDO Equipment, Zielies, Asplundh, Lake Country Power, Central Applicators, Davey Resource Group, New Age Tree Service and YTS Companies.

East Central Energy’s live-line safety demonstration equipment

Dr John Ball, UAA Director and professor at South Dakota State University, shares how gambling is for card games, not your safety

Colin Shoen of Vermeer focuses on chipper safety

Midwest Stihl’s Connor Larson offers best practices on chainsaw safety and maintenance
UAA Texas Regional Meeting: June 27 – 28, Fort Worth
The Fort Worth Botanic Garden is always a wonderful setting for members to come together and learn from the experts about working alone and staying safe; how utilities handle wildfire risk in the Pacific Northwest and how better communication can boost productivity and build company culture. Thank you AIDASH, ACRT, ECI, EnviroScience and CNUC for your sponsorships.

ONCOR’s Trey Anderson discusses identifying factors of the red maple on the Tree & Plant ID Workshop Tour

Ryan Krause, Pedernales Electric Cooperative, presents on IBM remote sensing research

A great day for an outdoor workshop on tree identification led by ONCOR’s Trey Anderson

Grant Winans (L) Garland Power and Light, and Jerry Black (R) Wright Tree Service, catch up at a networking event inside the Hilton

A UAA panel led the conversation on Landscape Trees in Rights-of-Way; Quentin Stewart, moderator; (From left to right) Jason Klontz, TerraScape; Penny Whisenant, Pedernales Electric; Joe Osborne, Austin Energy; Grant Ehlens, Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Indiana Safety Summit – July 12 – 13, Indianapolis
We enjoyed the outdoor venue in Reddick Shelter at Fort Harrison State Park for several hands-on demonstrations including Trees under Tension with UAA President Tim Walsh and more. We are grateful to sponsors Duke Energy, I&M, and NIPSCO for their support of our programs.

Jase Walls, Altec 5, discusses DOT truck / Job Safety inspection with support from Indiana State Troopers and attendees

Mark Kimbrough, Townsend Tree, uses a live line demo to speak about safety around electric lines

Townsend Tree’s Dewey Goss covers First Aid following cuts and lacerations while at work in a tree